Whether you bring your Agency, come from the sector or not but are thinking of opening your own company, ComprarCasa will support you in many important aspects.

We will share with you our   WORKING METHOD,   based on 4 main pillars:

 Technology |  Consulting |  Training |  Marketing


Quem Somos_Franchising ComprarCasa

Somos Valores_Franchising ComprarCasa

Somos Família_Franchising ComprarCasa

Somos Trcnologia_Franchising ComprarCasa

Somos Consultoria_Franchising ComprarCasa

Somos Formação_Franchising ComprarCasa


Do you challenge yourself to be an Entrepreneur??? So, come LEARN MORE about us! Simply fill out the following form:


Personal data

Other Data

To contact you should read and accept the legal conditions

You can request a visit from a ComprarCasa Consultant - who will personally or remotely through virtual tools, explain the advantages of this business.

Contact us to ComprarCasa Portugal (CCPT - ComprarCasa, Rede Serviços Imobiliários, SA):

 +351 213 850 165 (Cost of call to the national fixed network)

 [email protected]

 Av. Engenheiro Duarte Pacheco – Amoreiras – Tower 1 – 10th floor | 1070-101 Lisboa


Generic conditions of membership:

  • Be an Apemip member;
  • Present a document proving the regularized Apemip quotas;
  • Not belong to another Real Estate Network;
  • Have a high-speed Internet connection that allows a correct management of the application;
  • Subscribe to the contract of adhesion to the Network, its internal regulations and other necessary documentation that will be delivered to you by the ComprarCasa Consultant.