Companies are made by people. People who serve other people. That is why in the ComprarCasa Network, more important than the transaction is the RELATIONSHIP.

Our TEAM is made up of all those who, on a daily basis, represent the ComprarCasa brand from North to South and Islands of Portugal.

People who are in the market every day to help you find the best real estate solution, based on the procedures and working method developed and shared by the Headquarters TEAM.


At Headquarters, we are:

Carla Branco | Training and Quality


More than 25 years dedicated to mortgage loans, from risk analysis, training and definition of procedures in the field of Quality.

Now on the side closest to people, I support the development of skills and the consolidation of knowledge through training for teams in the ComprarCasa Network, always looking for better and more innovative content and trainers.

Responsible for contacts and promotion of partnerships, such as financial, technological or other relevant ones, to help the growth of our stores with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

The monitoring and communication of news and legislative changes, with a direct impact on our professional and sometimes personal activity, is also part of my function.

All of this is carried out under the scrutiny of the ISO 9001:2015 standard, which serves as the basis for our performance, being since 2017 responsible for the annual maintenance of Apcer's Quality Certification.

Célia Prazeres | Help-Line

I have been at ComprarCasa since 2004.

I maintain a daily and direct relationship with the stores of the Chain, clarifying issues with the real estate / customer / contact management tool (CCRM - Customer Relationship Management Tool).

I am also responsible for managing the invoicing of our stores.

Dina Neves | Secretariat and Collections

With more than 60 years of age, I have as a passion everything that has to do with aviation.

I have dedicated myself to my professional life for more than 45 years, 20 of which were at ComprarCasa.

I am responsible for the company's collections and servicing service, and I am fully available to help you.

Joana Lourenço | Communication and Marketing

Born and raised in Oeiras, in a traditional family of 2 wonderful parents and a challenging brother! To be complete, I added to this family, a sweet and very cheerful son, now 8 years old!

The taste for people led me to choose the degree in Human Resources Management and I had the opportunity to put this knowledge into practice in the first 8 years of working at UCI. The desire to get to know new realities led me to accept the invitation to be part of the UCI marketing team and for another 8 years I dedicated myself to working people, now in a new aspect! In 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, I embarked on another professional journey, dedicating myself, since then, as Head of Communication and Marketing, to working on the brand and communication of ComprarCasa!

I love to travel and in my travel CV I have more than 20 cruises, which have taken me far, Alaska, Hawaii, Japan...

I love being in socializing with friends, talking about everything and nothing!

As I want to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body, I also practice physical exercise in the gym.

As a guiding line of my life, I believe in the following phrase "Accept what you cannot change, change what you cannot accept!"

Luís Mário Nunes | CEO

I am a young man with more than half a century of life experience. Father of two puppies who, like me, are fervent Sportinguistas.

I have more than 30 years of professional life; in the first years in traditional banking and, since 1999, in the financial-real estate area.

👋 I am the CEO of the ComprarCasa Network, dedicated to the management, growth and success of our Network.

🚀 Entrepreneurs, investors, brokers and real estate agents: Let's schedule a meeting to discover our Value Proposition together!

💼 I look forward to connecting and exploring business opportunities. Let's talk!

🏡 #ComprarCasa #Empreendedorismo #Investimento

Margarida Doce | Consulting and Expansion - North

I am the mother of a girl. Both "explorers" love travel and sports.

Still young, but with a few years of professional experience. Starting in banking solicitor (real estate), I had a brief stint in navigation (import/export). I went through traditional banking and since 2002 in the financial-real estate sector.

I am an Expansion Manager (Consultant) of the ComprarCasa Network in the central/northern part of the country.

Do you want to open your business in the real estate business? Do you already have or are you in the real estate market and want to grow? »» Let's explore our Value Proposition?

Come talk to me!

I look forward to hearing from you!

#ComprarCasa #Empreendedorismo #investidores

Paul Bonaparte | Designer

I am currently a designer at ComprarCasa, with 20 years in the company.

I'm a graphic/web designer, inker.

Ricardo Soares | Consulting and Expansion - South






