Want to know the estimate of the market value of a property? Now it is possible with ComprarCasa.

With this tool you will be able to know the market value estimate of a property located in the area you are looking for in order to allow you to negotiate, avoid excessive prices or know if a property is at the average commercial value of a given area.  


We advise you to consult experienced and knowledgeable people in the real estate market:

ComprarCasa professionals are qualified to be able to advise you on the estimated value of a property. Consult the store nearest you that will certainly help you.

If you want to have a simple approximate reference value, then prepare the Price Estimate for your property yourself by selecting the "AUTOMATIC ESTIMATE" button.

Note: The report will be performed using the automated price estimation tool developed by MetaSearch Casafari. This will be a rough estimate that may not match the reality of your property. Please note that this Estimate is not valid for mortgage guarantee purposes and is not subject to supervision. It has no contractual validity, does not hold any entity of the CompraCasa Network responsible, nor does it constitute an offer to contract or carry out any type of transaction.


When selecting this option, you will probably be contacted (o) by a ComprarCasa professional who will help you to identify, as best as possible, a property that fits the characteristics you are looking for.